Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Architecture & Design Trends 2016-Series-3 FLex Rooms

Architecture & Design Trends 2016-Series-3 FLex Rooms

Trends define a generation. In architecture, they create moods for the industry and determine how personal space may influence daily lifestyles. Before presenting our 7 current home design trends, it is important to clarify the difference between ‘trend’ and ‘fad.’ Often used synonymously, their meanings are quite different.

A trend is something that catches on. It has the potential to persist for decades in some cases. What confuses many people is that a trend and a fad often look very similar in the beginning. Put concisely: a trend will give direction and a fad is just a craze. At HMH, we have solidified a custom design style that fuses classic trends with modern elements to become our own special brand of interior design and architecture.

Now on to the architecture & design trends in 2016 that we are excited about! From sustainable materials to functional living spaces and art deco prints, here are 7 architecture and design trends in 2016 to keep an eye out for…

Flex Rooms

Tying in with open concept design, homes are including more and more spaces that have less defined purposes. Architects are now designing flex rooms with the ability to easily transform into a new area without a complete makeover or costly renovation.
This is especially true as the aging population grows. Adaptations to make independent living simpler, or adjusting a family home for the addition of an older family member are two main drivers in this growing trend.

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